Social Networks Predict the Emergence of Technologies. [Virtual Talk]

Dec 1, 2023 11:00 AM
CRISS-LAB Seminar Series II-2023
CRISS-LAB, UDD, Las Condes, Chile.



In this talk, I will provide an overview of the research we did in the past decade to better understand how technological innovations emerge, spread, and decline in social networks. Building on the unique historic dataset of a social media website, I will present a simple method to model adoption dynamics of a new technology at fine geographical scales. The model is able to predict the peak of adoption in most analyzed towns by only using the structure of the network and the identity of the first few adopters. Then, I will also introduce preliminary results indicating that the geographies of the social network play an important role in the decline of the platform. These insights suggest that the social network of interacting customers can help companies to maximize the spread of their products on the global and local scales and to better understand churn.


En esta charla, proporcionaré una visión general de la investigación que realizamos en la última década para comprender mejor cómo surgen, se difunden y declinan las innovaciones tecnológicas en las redes sociales. Basándome en el conjunto de datos históricos únicos de un sitio web de redes sociales, presentaré un método sencillo para modelar la dinámica de adopción de una nueva tecnología a escalas geográficas detalladas. El modelo es capaz de predecir el peak de adopción en la mayoría de las ciudades analizadas utilizando únicamente la estructura de la red y la identidad de los primeros adoptantes. Luego, también introduciré resultados preliminares que indican que las geografías de la red social juegan un papel importante en el declive de la plataforma. Estos conocimientos sugieren que la red social de clientes interactuantes puede ayudar a las empresas a maximizar la difusión de sus productos en escalas globales y locales y a comprender mejor la pérdida de clientes. (Traducido por ChatGPT).

Speaker Bio

Balázs Lengyel is an economic geographer and works on topics at the intersection of economic geography, innovation studies, and network science. He aims to understand how social interaction facilitates economic and technological progress embedded in geographical space. He is the head of ANET Lab, an interdisciplinary group focusing on agglomeration and networks. He is also an Associate Profssor at the Corvinus University of Budapest, where he participates in the Laboratory for Networks, Technology and Innovation and is also a board member of the Center for Collective Learning. Balázs was a visiting scholar at MIT Human Mobility and Networks Lab in 2016; he completed his PhD in economics at Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2010 and holds a master degree from University of Szeged.